At Balsam, we have many opportunities to serve one another as the body of Christ. Look below to see where your gifts and interests might best serve the Church!
Alter Guild
Prepare the altar at the front of the church for communion and worship. Keep the altar clean, dress it for church seasons, prepare communion, and work with acolytes.
Read the First and Second Lessons and the Psalm during a worship service.
Fold and hand out weekly bulletins, assist individuals in need, collect offering during worship service, and count attendance.
Greet worshippers with a smile and a handshake. Also known as "Howdy Duty"! Most members will be asked to be a greeter for one Sunday a year.
Offering Counter
Counts the offering after services.
Coffee Makers
Come in early enough to make coffee for folks to drink while they are visiting before worship.
Teach Sunday School on Sunday morning to classes of children.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Create or give prayer shawls for individuals in need of prayer for illness, grieving, large life events, etc.
Prayer Chain
Pray for individuals who have requested specific prayers. Information is passed on by e-mail or a phone tree as requests are received.
Prayer Partners
Adult members that are partnered with a confirmation student to pray for them daily and support them in their Christian growth during the two years of confirmation.
Adults or responsible teens to supervise young children in the nursery during the worship service.